

I used to run my hobbyist brand as CNX, so you might see watermarks here and there.

Actually, I am interested in visual arts in general. Here are some of my digital paintings and modern surrealistic photos. Fun fact: I taught myself to edit videos in middle school, and never expected to use these skills to edit videos of experiments for my research nowadays.


In all possible ways and in both languages I am literate with! I have been writing some science fiction novels in Chinese, on a hobbyist level of course. In English, I wrote quite a lot of research papers and technical articles, and I, for some reason, do enjoy the feeling of building up paragraphs and those long propositions. (Most of the time I would be reluctant to *start* though because of being busy doing other things and laziness.)

Music Composition

Recently I started to learn and try my hands on music composition. It gives me the same vibe as writing in words. I did not know any instrument in my younger ages so getting to know music theory before touching a keyboard or a string feels like reading textbooks before doing experiments hah.


I am a Armature Section 4 Go chess player, and used to be a Chinese national 2-nd level registered athlete in Go chess.

First things first, violence is bad. However, unlike most of my friends, I feel like doing air-boxing and/or kicking punchbags when in need of relaxation or exercise instead of jogging... I play ping-pong too. Does that make me sound more peaceful? Did I mention gaming e-sports?